How to manage Stress and Anxiety. Four simple Techniques.

About half of young adults will experience mental health challenges, which can affect thinking, feeling, and behavior. He stresses that mental disorders can be caused by societal influences, health problems, natural disasters, and personal circumstances. The treatment of mental illness is frequently complex and costly, both for the patient and for health services. This can …

How to manage Stress and Anxiety. Four simple Techniques. Read More »

Three Signs you are having Panic Attack

The autonomic nervous system in in charge of the body’s involuntary responses like respiration and digestion. It has three divisions – parasympathetic, sympathetic and enteric. Sympathetic  Nervous System is that part of the nervous system which responds to fears and feelings of insecurity or feeling unsafe in an environment. When your sympathetic nervous system is …

Three Signs you are having Panic Attack Read More »

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