Relationship Problems

Mumbai is a very fast and busy city. Relationship problems are everywhere. Issues in marriage, live-in relationships, or even during the dating period are very common. Break-ups are very painful and emotionally draining. The fear and pressure of getting hurt again or not being accepted are unbearable. Divorce not just breaks hearts but it takes a big toll on the emotional well being of children and the rest of the family. It also adversely affects our finances.
Relationship issues can be resolved through relationship counseling. We, at Italktherapy, understand your dilemma to quit or stay in the relationship. Our relationship counselor will show that via counseling psychology the relationship problems can be effectively dealt with. We assist and support the couple to make this life-changing decision in a healthy and calm state of mind. We provide all the support needed to heal your relationship. We help you strengthen your bond of love.
But such is life. The reality is that eventually, we all have to move on. It is important that certain wounds heal as you move on. The memories of that person should be a source of joy and not a sharp pain in your heart.
We understand this phase and do everything in our capacity to reach out to you and help you release the pain. We do this because this is what your loved one would want you to do.